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navit- Car Navigation System - Druckversion

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RE: navit- Car Navigation System - harryberlin - 20.08.2015

wie wo was wählen?

RE: navit- Car Navigation System - The Mischen - 20.08.2015

Na in der Konsole mal ps aux und enter, dann siehst so ziemlich alles was Grad läuft. Vorn stehen die ids und mit kill kannst du das Programm abschießen. Ähnlich dem taskmanager von Windows nur Konsole eben.[WINKING FACE]

Gesendet von meinem D6603 mit Tapatalk

RE: navit- Car Navigation System - harryberlin - 20.08.2015

nee, wie wo was opengl?

RE: navit- Car Navigation System - romi - 20.08.2015

(19.08.2015, 22:44)harryberlin schrieb: also ich hab das jetzt mal schnell nach der anleitung kompiliert
aber starten lässt es sich nicht.
bekomme dann den fehler:
osmc@RaspControl:~/navit-build/navit$ ./navit
Running from source directory

(navit:617): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

bitte nicht in putty starten, sondern über Kodi. 
Schreib mal schnell nen eintrag in der Kodi menuconfig xml oder wie die heißt.


RE: navit- Car Navigation System - harryberlin - 20.08.2015

bin arbeiten, kann jetzt nix basteln.
Sölle doch aber schon als navigation hinterlegt sein.
es müsste das script von dem anderen aufgerufen werden, wenn es vorhanden ist.
die skin dazu fehlt vermutlich auch.

RE: navit- Car Navigation System - The Mischen - 20.08.2015

OOPS, Ich dachte du sitzt direkt vor dem Rechner sorry Angel , über Putty kannst du dir
die X-session nicht anzeigen lassen. Kann es sein das die Navit.xml noch angepasst werden muss?


RE: navit- Car Navigation System - harryberlin - 20.08.2015

ja, aber in was?

RE: navit- Car Navigation System - The Mischen - 20.08.2015

ÄHHH keine Ahnung steht zumindest in der Anleitung und wenn ich mir die Erklärung anschaue wird mir übel. Da muss man sich wohl  mehr Zeit nehmen. Es gibt zumindest im Navit Ordner diese besagte xml. Vielleicht steht da was über die Ausgabe. Es gibt da zumindest ne GUI Sektion. Aber probier erstmal den Aufruf, wie von Romi beschrieben, aus dem OSMC heraus bevor du an der XML schraubst.


RE: navit- Car Navigation System - romi - 20.08.2015

ich würde die Archive von CarPC benutzen, da ist doch alles gemacht.
Das liebe ich am OpenSource, geiles TEAM (Toll Ein Andere Machts)

Ausgabe von gui.xml
<!-- The following line let you select which graphical user interface you'd like to use.
Options include internal (optimized for touch screen devices), gtk (useful for desktop computers).
If you don't like the internal gui, set enabled=yes for the following tag and enabled=no for the gui internal tag -->
<gui type="gtk" enabled="no" fullscreen="0" menubar="1" toolbar="1" statusbar="0"/>
<!--In case of the internal GUI, you can even influence the size of the text and of the icons in the toolbar and the viewport.
    Here's an example for a freerunner: -->
<!-- <gui type="internal" font_size="350" icon_xs="32" icon_s="96" icon_l="96"/> -->
<!-- The action that appears on map click is configurable with the attribute "on_map_click".
    To get the prvious behaviour of showing the map point menu use on_map_click='menu("#Map Point")'-->
<gui type="internal" enabled="yes" fullscreen="1" pitch="10" font_size="550" icon_xs="64" icon_s="96" icon_l="128">
        <a name='Main Menu'>
            <text>Main menu</text>
            <a href='#Actions'>
                <img src='gui_actions'>Actions</img>
            <img cond='flags&amp;2' src='gui_map' onclick='back_to_map()'>
            <a href='#Settings'>
                <img src='gui_settings'>
            <a href='#Tools'>
                <img src='gui_tools'>
            <a href='#Route'>
                <img src='gui_settings'>
            <img cond='navit.autozoom_active==0' src='gui_stop' onclick='navit.autozoom_active=1;redraw_map();back_to_map()'><text>AutoZoom</text></img>
            <img src='gui_quit' onclick='quit()'><text>Quit</text></img>
        <a name='Actions'><text>Actions</text>
            <img src='gui_bookmark' onclick='bookmarks()'>
            <img src='gui_formerdests' onclick='formerdests()'>
                <text>Former Destinations</text>
            <img cond='click_coord_geo' src='gui_map' onclick='position(click_coord_geo,_("Map Point"),8|16|32|64|256)'>
            <img cond='position_coord_geo' src='gui_vehicle' onclick='position(position_coord_geo,_("Vehicle Position"),8|32|64|128|256)'>
            <img src='gui_town' onclick='town()'>
            <img cond='navit.route.route_status&amp;1' src='gui_stop' onclick='abort_navigation();refresh()'>
        <a name='Settings'><text>Settings</text>
            <a href='#Settings Display'>
                <img src='gui_display'>
            <img src='gui_maps' onclick='setting_maps()'>
            <!-- <a href='#Settings Maps'>
                <img src='gui_maps'>
            </a> -->
            <img src='gui_vehicle' onclick='setting_vehicle()'>
            <!-- <a href='#Settings Vehicles'>
                <img src='gui_vehicle'>
            </a> -->
            <img src='gui_rules' onclick='setting_rules()'>
        <a name='Settings Display'><text>Display</text>
            <!-- <img src='gui_display' onclick='setting_layout()'>
            </img> -->
            <a href='#Settings Layouts'>
                <img src='gui_display'>
            <img cond='fullscreen==0' src='gui_fullscreen' onclick='fullscreen=1'>
            <img cond='fullscreen==1' src='gui_leave_fullscreen' onclick='fullscreen=0'>
                <text>Window Mode</text>
            <img cond='navit.pitch==0' src='gui_map' onclick='navit.pitch=pitch;redraw_map();back_to_map()'>
            <img cond='navit.pitch!=0' src='gui_map' onclick='navit.pitch=0;redraw_map();back_to_map()'>
        <a name='Tools'><text>Tools</text>
            <img src='gui_actions' onclick='locale()'>
                <text>Show Locale</text>
        <a name='Route'><text>Route</text>
            <img src='gui_actions' onclick='route_description()'>
            <img src='gui_actions' onclick='route_height_profile()'>
                <text>Height Profile</text>
            <img cond='navit.waypoints_flag &amp;&amp; (navit.route.route_status&amp;1)' src='cursor_still' onclick='waypoints()'>
            <img cond='navit.waypoints_flag &amp;&amp; (navit.route.route_status&amp;1)' src='gui_stop' onclick='navit.route_remove_last_waypoint()'>
                <text>Drop last Waypoint</text>
            <img cond='navit.waypoints_flag &amp;&amp; (navit.route.route_status&amp;1)' src='gui_stop' onclick='navit.route_remove_next_waypoint()'>
                <text>Drop next Waypoint</text>
        <a name='Map Point'><text>Map Point</text>
            <script>position(click_coord_geo,_("Map Point"),8|16|32|64|256)</script>
        <a name='Settings Layouts' class='clist' refresh_cond='navit.layout'>
                    img("centry", navit.layout==layout?"gui_active":"gui_inactive",,"", "navit.layout=navit.layout[@name==%{se}*]",;
        <a name='Settings Maps' class='clist'>
                    if (map.description)
                        img("centry","gui_active":"gui_inactive", map.description,"","[@description==%{se}].active=%{d}*",map.description,!,"redraw_map();refresh();");
                        img("centry","gui_active":"gui_inactive", map.type+":","","[@data==%{se}].active=%{d}*",,!,"redraw_map();refresh();");
        <a name='Settings Vehicles' class='clist'>
                    img("centry",navit.vehicle==vehicle?"gui_active":"gui_inactive",,"name=%{se};menu(\"#Settings Vehicle\")",;
        <a name='Settings Vehicle' class='clist'>
                    if ( == name) {
                        if (vehicle!=navit.vehicle)
                            img("centry","gui_active","Set as active","","navit.vehicle=navit.vehicle[@name==%{se}*]",name);
        <a name='Satellite Status' class='clist'>
            <text>Satellite Status</text>
        <a name='NMEA Data' class='clist'>
            <text>NMEA Data</text>
Da gibts noch eine naxit.xml in 

RE: navit- Car Navigation System - harryberlin - 20.08.2015

so war der plan. Wink
vermutlich lässt es sich trotzdem nicht nutzen, weil wir kein touchpanel haben.