j'ai pu cloner androidauto sur osmc et nous pouvons le démarrer à partir de kodi en utilisant x11 osmc
le seul problème qui reste la communication ibus
Aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît
i was able to clone androidauto on osmc and we can start it from kodi using x11 osmc
the only problem that remains ibus comunication
help please ; sorry for my english
hello still
can we start pibus that xsession starts
I use a usb interface tinkering with the immage V19.11 from Harry
we can start it with "-g0 - / dev / ttyusb0" in stretch but it didn't work on osmc
you should do the same, how you did in the first post.
Zitat:i was able to clone androidauto on osmc and we can start it from kodi using x11 osmc...
hi harry,
thanks for the answer and thanks for the great proget that you make,
the goal is to have gps navigation; in Algeria no gps card for bmw
using google map is an advantage for us
please harry, how to configure pibus to use GPIO7 to stay on the same screen of ibuscommunicator,
pibus shield uses GPIO23.
thank you harry, is that we can tinker
here is the procedure if someone wants to intervene, i'm new to linux, so forgive me if i make mistakes.
- install an img for example v19 or other all works.
- add / opt / vc / src and / opt / vc / include from another distribution; by examle stetch
- install x11 osmc depuit "https://discourse.osmc.tv/t/testing-x11-simple-desktop-chromium-web-browser-in-a-simple-installer-for-stretch/16846"
-sudo apt-get install git build-essential
- cloned androidauto depuit "https://github.com/humeman/openauto-patched-installer"
;on openauto installer it tells you if you want to install on rasbian answer "n"
- add with nano /home/osmc/.xsessionrc
save and quit
- add with nano /home/osmc/.Xsession
startlxde &
sudo /home/osmc/openauto/bin/autoapp
save and quit
then unistall ligth-locker so that it does not block the screen
from xsession
now can start android auto from kodi and return to kodi when leaving androidauto
rest to adjust ibus.
harry how we can add a button in the main menu of kodi shortened to X11
hi Harry
please, you can summarize how to compile pibus for pi3B+
main menu entries are placed in "IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml"
just download pibus source and compile by typing "make"
thanks harry
another question please,
for my configuration I use an elmos SO16 find in webasto with a uart usb converter FT232 modify from a self diagnostic interface, the question is: if it is possible to connect the elmos directly to uart rpi3B +; I am already stopping an RPI3 and I'm not planning to shout this out. because the configuration -g0 - / dev / ttyUSB0 doesn't want to work for me
pibus uses for gpio uart: /dev/ttyAMA0
but you will need voltage devider to 3.3V for rx pin on rasp.